Types of Databases

The two types of databases that you will be using are: library catalog and database /article indexes.
Library catalogs organize all of the materials a library purchases. These include records for books, magazines, journals, newspapers, videos, sound recordings, images, etc.

Ely Library Catalog does not include articles.

Databases & Article indexes are used to identify articles on a topic. Most databases provide abstracts along with citation information. Some include the full text of the articles as well.
General Databases Some databases / article indexes such as Academic Search Premier or Expanded Academic ASAP are general or multidisciplinary. 
Subject Specific Databases Many databases / article indexes such as Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text (Criminal Justice) or PsycINFO (Psychology) specialize in a particular subject area. Other specialized databases are available for biology, education, history, music, business, etc. 
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