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Figure 2. Trapped female mongoose.

Thirty mongoose were captured a total of 35 times during 150 trap days from 15 to 19 March 2009 (23% trap success). Ten females and 19 males were captured alive (one male was found dead in a trap due to wild dogs). There was no statistically significant deviation from an expected 1:1 sex ratio and individuals were equally distributed across age classes (Table 1). Fleas were significantly more abundant on males (Figure 4; P = 1.32 X 10-6), but the distribution of fleas across age classes was not statistically significant. There was no evidence of internal parasites as tested by fecal floats.

Figure 3. Large male mongoose before anesthesia.

Table 1. Mongoose trapping summaries

Age Class Males Females

1 11 3
2 9 7

Figure 4. Flea infestation on mongoose.