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Trail Camera Images April 2014

Below are images captured by a StealthCam Prowler (model # STC-DVIRHD) trail camera on 18-20 and 24 April 2014. These images depict a sequence of events at a single trap starting with a rat checking out the trap at approximately 9:30 pm on Friday 18 April (Figure 1) and ending with a mongoose checking out the trap with a crab in it at 4:22 pm on Thursday 24 April (Figure 20). Each image has a date and time stamp and records ambient temperature. Click on each image to go to a page with a larger version of the image.

Figure 1. Rattus sp. climbing down the tree at the left of the trap.

Figure 2. Mus musculus sitting on the trap door.

Figure 3. The trap is empty early on 19 April 2014.

Figure 4. A mongoose runs by the trap.

Figure 5. Mongoose posing next to the trap.

Figure 6. A mongoose checks out the trap.

Figure 7. Mongoose tipping the trap.

Figure 8. Mongoose leaves the scene of the crime.

Figure 9. Mongoose reaching for the bait.

Figure 10. Mongoose reaching for the bait - Part II.

Figure 11. Mongoose stealing bait.

Figure 12. Mongoose leaves with the bait.

Figure 13. Mongoose checks out empty trap.

Figure 14. Mongoose checks out empty trap again.

Figure 15. Mongoose checks out empty yet trap again.

Figure 16. Mongoose checks out empty trap one last time.

Figure 17. New day and a newly baited trap.

Figure 18. Mongoose steals the bait again.

Figure 19. Mongoose gets caught in a trap with no bait.

Figure 20. This time the crab gets the free lunch.